Sunday, March 23, 2008

A Lesson About Banking...

I was writing a new song about corruption today and I thought that it would be a great idea to educate you on how banks REALLY operate and what their sole purpose is.

I had this theory for quite some time now, yet I hadn't really had any proof. As an educated man, I logically couldn't conclude without a shadow of a doubt that this theory was correct without having any valid proof. Last month however, I finally stumbled upon such proof by sheer accident.

You see, I signed up for a gym membership through someone I know who works at the place. It was a great deal, contract for a year but no start up fee, and no cancelation fee. Sounds too good to be true, but I trusted the person who works there (incidentally, that person was not responsible for my misfortune, the institution was). Everything seemed fine on the surface but only just.

I ended up canceling the membership about a month and a half later because I found I got more results doing my own regimen all in the comfort of my own home (all it takes is light exercise and not eating after certain hours of the day). They gave me shit for trying to cancel so early and wanted me to pay a cancelation fee. I was having none of it because the person I set the account up with was telling me there is no cancelation fee.

I got ahold of her and told her I wanted out, she said she'll do it, it's all good, no problem.
That's just when I noticed that there was a problem after all. I went to the bank to check my account at one of the ATMs they have there. I check my account and I notice that I have minus ninety-one dollars in my account. I had just quit my job recently and was dumbfounded as to how that could have occured, especially since I do not have overdraft on my account and an action like that by the bank would be for the lack of a better term STEALING money that I don't even have out of MY account because all I had before I found out I have minus ninety-one dollars on there was fifteen dollars and eighty-seven cents. Unheard of right? You're goddamn wrong!

I checked the transaction record and it turns out that the gym charged that money out of my account (I had to give them my banking info because the shit is direct deposited out of your account into theirs, no bills and all that to deal with). Anyway, I thought about it for a minute and I went up to the bank teller. A pretty little blonde girl who looked like she hadn't the slightest clue as to how to spell her own name correctly, nevermind fixing this heinous error by the branch. I asked her to check and see if I have overdraft on my account.

Luckily for me, she was able to do that without delay (I'm amazed to this day), and she quickly retorted that I do not have overdraft on my account, in fact I can't even take out more than five hundred dollars a day (what a pity, I hardly ever had that kind of money to begin with anyway).

I told her my predicament and she began to look a little out of place, confused even. She asked me a few more times to repeat it for her just so she could fully understand it. It's funny, I'm Russian, but I do not even have an accent when I speak English, and neither did she, yet she still could not understand me. Perhaps the reason for that was all that peroxide she had in her hair had secretly seeped into her brain somehow (that poor blonde).

She agreed with me finally that there was an error and it was the bank's fault. You see since I did not, and do not have overdraft, any money that is taken out of my account that exceeds what is in there at that particular time (i.e. fifteen dollars and eighty seven cents to be exact) is a criminal activity being committed by the bank for allowing money exceeding the account balance to be transfered out because what it essentially did was give that money out of the bank vault (money that belongs to someone else, not the bank, the bank has no money to begin with, watch the video) making it look like it came out of my account (remember, no overdraft) and in turn make me a person who now owes them money (with interest at that). This money could not and cannot exist because I've had no arrangement of such kind with the bank.

What should have transpired legally was the gym trying to take out money out of my account to pay for the first month, not being able to do so, and then the gym sending me a letter or contacting me stating that I owe them money and must pay soon. That's all, they could not legally take dough out of my account especially if it exceeds the amount I have in there to begin with, and the bank in turn can't just say "ok Dmitri has fuck all, but we'll loan this money to you because you're such a nice company from someone else's account, and make Dmitri cover this expense payable to us with interest". That shit is serious theft right there.

It's not the money by the way, it's the principle. You're supposed to be able to trust these people and here they go pulling something like this (I take it wouldn't be the first time for some of you). I spoke to a bank manager and she told me that they were gonna look into it. Well it's been two weeks and I haven't heard from them. The worst thing is that if it is indeed theft by the bank and their fuck up, I can't do much about it because to sue them would cost even more money (which I don't have at the moment). If they don't willingly put it back I'm kinda screwed here.
Ideas anyone?

I found this interesting video however and I'd like you to take the time to watch it carefully and educate yourself on how these cock suckers operate. Feel free to tell everyone you know, and please leave your comments, I'd love to read them.

1 comment:

MrBlue said...

I wouldn't mind getting fucked over every now and then, but the least they can do is give me some Vaseline to go with the ass fuck.